
Kevin Street Garda HQ

Tailored solutions to meet high performance specifications

  • Sector Commercial
  • Location: Dublin, Ireland
  • Architect: OPW Architects
  • Contractor: JJ Rhatigan & Company

Project Overview

Kevin Street Garda Station, Dublin is the Divisional Headquarters for An Garda Síochána in the south inner city. It was designed by the OPW as a civic quality building responding to the specific site context and its historic surroundings. The impressively engineered building extends to 6,840m² of office space with a 5,400m² double basement. We won a tender to meet the performance specification as directed by the project architects in the OPW. We provided a fire-resistant door and screen system using Janisol 2 EI30 to meet the specific requirements of this project and to provide a clean-line, modern aesthetic. There was a requirement for a non fire-rated acoustically-tested movable wall system made up of solid panels meeting room area to facilitate the flexible use of space so that it could be used for large groups or split into two smaller spaces as required.

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