{"id":18819,"date":"2023-04-14T14:18:35","date_gmt":"2023-04-14T14:18:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thekccgroup.com\/?post_type=knowledge-base&p=18819"},"modified":"2023-05-15T09:08:58","modified_gmt":"2023-05-15T09:08:58","slug":"multi-package-solutions-for-healthcare","status":"publish","type":"knowledge-base","link":"https:\/\/thekccgroup.com\/knowledge-base\/multi-package-solutions-for-healthcare\/","title":{"rendered":"Specifying multi-package healthcare solutions"},"content":{"rendered":"

Whether it be a hospital building, a treatment clinic, a specialist care facility or a residential care home, every healthcare environment requires individually tailored solutions for their entrance systems, access control measures, security management and fire safety.<\/p>\n

Healthcare solutions must be able to accommodate visitors, staff and patients while keeping intruders out.<\/h2>\n

In healthcare facilities, automatics and access control systems<\/a> are employed to help manage who is entering and exiting the building, as well as to assist in the safe and secure movement of staff, service-users, patients, and visitors in and around it.<\/p>\n

However, healthcare organisations can struggle to find a single solution provider able to cater for all of the needs of their demanding environments. Often needing to enlist multiple companies, which can lead to unexpected problems later down the line.<\/p>\n

Fire safety in these healthcare buildings is also a complex issue and must be assessed on an individual basis. Not all healthcare facilities are the same, so it\u2019s important to consider the type of building and space when designing the fire safety plan.<\/p>\n

By choosing a single source to provide integrated solutions that work across multiple buildings and locations, healthcare organisations can ensure that each area within their setting has exactly what it needs without having a multitude of different systems from multiple providers installed, and without having to worry about compatibility issues.<\/p>\n

What makes access to healthcare buildings so challenging?<\/h2>\n

Healthcare facilities are complex, and managing the flow of people in and out of them can be a challenge because the variety of departments and areas that need access control can be vast.<\/p>\n

Additionally, a hospital’s patient wing will have different access control requirements than its pharmacy or operating theatres. Ambulatory facilities will often rely on a higher level of security. And residential care homes will naturally look for solutions that offer a high level of comfort.<\/p>\n

Staff offices, patient wards and treatment rooms all require different levels of security. The same goes for visitor areas, with some only allowing certain groups or individuals in, and others needing to restrict entry completely at certain times of the day.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, different people within the healthcare setting will often have very different access requirements. For example, depending on their job function or department, employees may need different levels of security. Visitors may require different levels of access depending on whether they are attending a meeting or visiting patients in the hospital. And intruders must be kept out at all times.<\/p>\n

Therefore automatics and access control systems installed in Healthcare environments must be able to manage multiple levels of access.<\/p>\n

Access control systems in Healthcare buildings should also be able to manage multiple types of access: physical (e.g. swipe cards<\/a>), biometric (e.g.\u00a0fingerprint recognition<\/a>), contactless (e.g. touch-free activation switches<\/a>) and logical (e.g.\u00a0PIN<\/a>).<\/p>\n

This ensures that the system can accommodate everyone who needs it without compromising security or convenience for any group within the organisation. This also helps to maintain compliance with regulations that mandate certain authentication methods due to their inherent effectiveness at protecting data assets.<\/p>\n

Discover specialised solutions for fast, reliable and secure access to healthcare environments.<\/h1>\n

At KCC we draw on our vast knowledge and experience of healthcare solutions to provide you with an effective, sustainable access strategy. Rather than dealing with each individual element our starting point is an overall view of your actual access needs. We then apply the best products and solutions to deliver that strategy, including door automation, access control, key control and architectural hardware. This ensures a fully compliant, integrated solution where all components compliment each other.<\/p>\n


Automatic doors for healthcare facilities<\/h2>\n


Healthcare automation solutions have to take into account a wide range of users and environments. For example, the front entrance of a hospital or clinic will usually require a revolving door or sliding door system, capable of handling a very high volume of traffic from a wide spectrum of users.<\/p>\n

Internally, most healthcare facilities will use automated swing doors with or without access control, which we can also supply and install. Healthcare-specific automated doors such as Hermetically Sealed doors and cleanroom doors for environments where hygiene control or radiation containment is paramount, such as an operating theatre or x-ray facility.<\/p>\n

KCC Group automatic door solutions include:<\/strong><\/p>\n